GoGirls ICT Initiative

GoGirls ICT Sponsorship Initiative

GoGirls ICT Sponsorship Initiative

GoGirls ICT Sponsorship Initiative

Through our Time to Shine ICT #TTOSICT project, GoGirls ICT Initiative came up with a sponsorship scheme for the best performing mentees since 2017. This was deliberated upon after discovering that many school dropouts were as a result of lack of tuition to keep students in school as a result of many factors including poverty. And also many girls raised the issue of high fees for science courses and through this scheme, we believe we can be able to help make their dreams come true.

Selection Criteria

In order to qualify for this scheme:

  • A student should have participated in the #TTOSICT mentorship program running in their school.
  • A student should remain in her/his particular school unless joining another level.
  • The student should have completed their mini-projects and presented it to a panel of judges to be evaluated during the #TTOSICT competitions.
  • The student’s school should have emerged among the winners with the best ideas implemented or their group is the best in their school with the best ideas during the #TTOSICT competitions.
  • Some special exceptions are, student must be vulnerable and can not afford paying school fees. For this criteria the student does not necessarily emerge winner during the #TTOSICT competition but rather should be a participant
  • For Participants joining higher institutions of learning, he/she must be joining a public institution with South Sudan.

Monitoring Framework

  • We follow up with the schools on how the students were performing.
  • Schools provided a copy of termly performance report of the student(s) for those in primary and secondary while for higher institutions, results will be provided twice per year for each semester.
  • During the course of the term, one visit to each of the schools and a conservation with their teacher.
  • One on one conservations with each participant every end of the term and psychosocial support.
  • And in cases of poor performance by the student, in that very school with the help of the focal teacher, we have also set up a counselling session for such students to find out what could be the problem.
Family Visit Program

Family Visit Program

GoGirls Family Visits

In this program, we reach out to families of the students we mentor, educate the parents about what we are teaching their child during our mentorship program and have conservations surrounding their child’s behavior, performance and challenges they face which gives us first hand information from both the parent and child.


Our aim is diversity in peace and at grass root level: a family is the smallest unit of a nation or nations and the world. No peace at home means kids can’t perform well at school, Parents can’t perform at work, Wives can’t be good wives in a home, husbands beat their wives and the entire family end up in chaos.

In most cases, children raised in such homes end up joining gangs, alcoholism due to lack of guidance and examples to learn from at home in other words (lack parent role models) and the result is living recklessly lives which most of us have witnessed in our communities.

Thus, many homes are in chaos, communities are affected as many of these kids end up being thieves, girls’ dropout of schools resulting into early marriage and the result is continuous to generations, only a few come out of such situations.

Many communities in chaos affects various communities of a nation. Then a whole nation not at peace, people fighting themselves because they want to release anger, we end up with Communities at war! Nations at war! The world at war…

The list of possibilities is endless.


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The #TTOSICT project empowers women and girls in STEAM courses. The first of its kind in South Sudan, a country that has been affected with conflict and the issue of girls and women education is still a great challenge especially in Technology related  professions that are looked at as a male thing. The #TTOSICT project is not a novel idea but it is an innovation that is tailored to suit the context of South Sudan; aimed to encourage girls to stay in school through creative problem solving using technology and through the ICT challenges that come with prizes like school fees that supports the girls’ education especially those who might have dropped out as a result of poverty.

The Time To Shine ICT #TTOSICT project supported by UNDP South Sudan with funds from Sweden.

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This project is about hate speech mitigation both online and offline. Running a series of monthly workshops where we create debates on how girls and boys can afford being online, what they post, where they get the resources to pay for internet connectivity, more discussions around the issue of connectivity and have conversations with school going girls and University students around several topics like digital safety for girls and how to identify fake news; and also contributed to the compilation of the #defyhatenow field guide (https://defyhatenow.org/social-media-hate-speech-mitigation-field-guide/)

To mitigate hate speech, we also included a component of conflict mitigation where we use scenarios, circumstances and incidents for students to learn, discuss and find way forward in case one is caught in conflicting situations in their respective areas.

This project was supported by a German-based international NGO, r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation, funded by IfA via the German Federal Foreign Office.

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