GoGirls ICT Initiative

Gender Narratives Through the Lens #GNTL

Gender Narratives Through the Lens #GNTL

Gender Narratives Through the Lens #GNTL

#GNTL a pilot project, is a virtual mentorship hub in the areas of audio content production, film making and entrepreneurial skills.

The target beneficiaries are women and girls from secondary schools, graduates and school dropouts to use these skills to improve their livelihood through digital storytelling.

The overall goal of this project is to build the capacity of South Sudanese women and girls in the digital creative industry.



#ClassroomOnPhone series (GoGirls learning podcast)

#ClassroomOnPhone is a pre-recorded learning program where learners are taught science subjects with the aim of enhancing the love and practice of science in primary and secondary school students.

When South Sudan went into a lock down in March 2020 due to the pandemic, we had a conservation with parents and teachers who were beneficiaries of our Time To Shine ICT #TTOSICT project on how they were and their children coping up with the closure of schools. And that’s when the GoGirls team embarked on a research on Virtual learning methods for Offline communities as part of its Access to Skills and Knowledge network #ASKnet Project.

During this time, we held workshops to introduce South Sudanese primary and secondary school Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) teachers to virtual learning, including their definition, examples, content development for virtual learning, challenges of virtual learning among others. Teachers explored virtual learning platforms both online and offline and mockup projects to create content for virtual learning.

The team further interacted with 25 students who were beneficiaries of #TTOSICT project in their various communities to know the challenges faced by students during the pandemic so that to build a knowledge base to help us tailor our training activities to the current situation. The interaction with them revealed that girls didn’t have time to read due to several home chores, noisy environment during the day so they can’t concentrate, lack of electricity and for those whom their schools provided with reading materials found Science subjects to be the most boring and hard subjects to study alone.

These findings were shared with the teachers who were providing these students with handouts and holiday packages to study at home. The teachers too found out that most of the assignments these students answered were not done by them hence proving not effective. This led us to explore cheap affordable technologies by our communities such using Micro SD cards and feature (button) phones since they are very affordable and accessible by everyone.

Together with GoGirls teams, the teachers from four primary and secondary schools developed STEM learning material with an integration of Arts (STEAM) in the form of podcasts loaded on micro SDs for a selected group of learners.

The students were introduced to virtual learning platforms and how to access these platforms including access to this content in form of podcasts hence, #ClassroomOnPhone.

Here is the link to the podcasts




Download our Open-source #GoSanitize Resource


The Gosanitize project  is a social enterprise brand poised to reach great heights in the production of hand sanitizers of high quality and affordable prices by the community within South Sudan.

Download Report

Gosanitize Project

Gosanitize project  is a social enterprise brand poised to reach great heights in the production of hand sanitizers of high quality and affordable prices by the community within South Sudan.

These hand sanitizers are made from locally available resources such as lemon epicarps, Aloe Vera and locally brewed alcohol in South Sudan. 

The main goal of Gosanitize is to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive sustainable industrialization and foster innovation in South Sudan to achieve Sustainable Development Goal Nine (SDG 9).

This project brings together chemistry experts from secondary schools and local female brewers to exchange knowledge and ideas on the production of high quality and affordable hand sanitizers. 


This project has also featured on UNDP‘s site. More in the link below.



#ASKnet – Access to Skills and Knowledge Network

#ASKnet – Access to Skills and Knowledge Network

Access to Skills and Knowledge network #ASKnet Program

The #ASKnet program provides access to skills and knowledge to empower South Sudanese communities to address challenges within their communities through Open Source innovations to promote and encourage Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics with an integration of Arts (STEAM) Education.

This program seeks to address the root problems of gender inequality in South Sudan that doesn’t encourage girls and women to learn STEM using Art through a peer to peer approach focused on the sharing of skills and knowledge leveraging on Open source and STEAM methodologies through research.

In partnership with _r0g/agency for open culture and Critical transformation, this program started in 2019 and through this funding, the capacity of the GoGirls team has been enhanced and we have been working on a pilot called “Open Science Framework for Classroom experimentation” to promote STEM education in schools together with primary and secondary school teachers within Juba. 

The Open Science Framework for Classroom experimentation was developed during the Teachers in Science Hackathon hosted by GoGirls ICT Initiative and some of the questions raised were;

  • How can feedback channels between curriculum developers, policymakers, teachers and learners be improved? 
  • How do we break the stereotypes of girls not taking sciences?

Three key discussion points took centre stage such as;

  • What Innovative #OpenScience approaches can be used to conduct Science experiments in Primary and Secondary Schools?
  • How can Science Educators, Schools and Institutes of Higher learning collaborate to bridge the gap between theory and experiments related to science?
  • How can science teachers improvise with locally available materials /resources to overcome the challenge of limited or no available materials for conducting experiments?

And the outcome of this framework are the following innovations by the GoGirls team,university students and Science Educators.

  1. Gosanitize
  2. Classroom On Phone 
  3. Access to Skills and Knowledge related to Internet of Things (#ASKrIoT)
  4. Repair Cafes