GoGirls ICT Initiative

GoGirls ICT Initiative Partners With Akirachix To Engage More Girls in ICT

GoGirls ICT Initiative Partners With Akirachix To Engage More Girls in ICT

GoGirls ICT Initiative Partners With Akirachix To Engage More Girls in ICT

For the past five years, we have been implementing the Time To shine Information Communication Technology (#TTOSICT) mentorship program that aimed at Engaging, Educating, and Empowering youth, especially girls in primary and secondary schools to spark their interest in doing science at the secondary level and increase their chances of doing courses in the fields of  Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics with the integration of Arts  (STEAM). As a result of these efforts, the girls who were involved by then at the age of 11 years old in Primary Five have now joined secondary schools within Juba, and those in Secondary completed their South Sudan School Certificate in 2019. Most of these girls too were beneficiaries of our GoGirls Sponsorship Initiative to support them in school for one year as long as they continued to participate in this program.

To encourage and keep these girls engaged in this program throughout, we reached out to their schools, families, and communities through the Family Visit Program that has become an integral part of all our projects and programming.

One of the most common questions raised by the teachers, families, and communities of these girls is: “what is next for them after secondary school especially to parents who are economically challenged and girls who are vulnerable?.” To answer this question; GoGirls ICT Initiative has collaborated with Akirachix to put synergies together so as to support girls who have completed their South Sudan Secondary school certificates in 2019 to be part of their AkiraChix codeHive 2022 recruitment program.

AkiraChix was founded in 2010 by a group of women who were passionate about changing the landscape of the technology field and creating a community that supports, connects, and inspires women in the tech space. These young women challenged the status quo by encouraging and facilitating more women to take up careers in technology-related fields. Its vision has continued to be led by Linda Kamau and Marie Githinji, who have committed to champion the diversity and inclusion of women in the technical workforce, changing the economic capabilities of young women as well as shifting societal norms. AkiraChix has come a long way from its beginnings, where it trained young women from Nairobi in a bus fitted with computers to a fully-fledged residential campus to serve young women from all over Kenya and other African Countries. Read more about AkiraChix: https://akirachix.com/

codeHive is the AkiraChix signature program. It is a one-year fully subsidized residential hands-on technical training program. It provides education and economic opportunity to young women between the ages of  19 and 24  from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds who have completed high school education, and are unable to further their education due to financial constraints.  

After expanding from Kenya to Rwanda and Uganda in 2021, AkiraChix will also expand to Tanzania and South Sudan in 2022. It is also seeking promising young women from refugee communities across these countries. 

According to Women in Technology statistics, Women currently remain highly underrepresented in software engineering (14% of the total workforce) and computer science-related jobs (25% of the total workforce). Female software engineer hires have only increased 2% over the last 21 years.

Through this collaboration, GoGirls ICT Initiative is one of the approved Test Centers that will provide the applicants with dedicated computers and internet to apply for this program and also use their networks to help Akirachix reach more young women to build careers in technology in South Sudan to transform their lives and communities. We constantly commit to breaking societal barriers limiting girls from doing careers in ICT and continue contributing to bridging the gender digital divide gap. Such opportunities and exposure are what these girls need. The fact that South Sudan Joined the African Telecommunications Union (ATU) as its 49th member state presents vast opportunities in this sector that we want more women and girls in South Sudan to be part of the decision making and implementation of technology-related projects.

For more details on the application process visit www.akirachix.com/apply

Application Deadline: October 15th, 2021 11:59 PM EAT

Please visit our office: 

88.4 City FM Compound, Suk Melisia, Munuki –  Juba, South Sudan.

Reach us through:

Email: application@gogirlsict.org 

Mobile: +211922407200

Facebook: GoGirls ICT Initiative

Twitter: @gogirlsictjuba


Interactions with Teachers: Follow up on #TTOSICT 2018 Mentees

Interactions with Teachers: Follow up on #TTOSICT 2018 Mentees

Interaction with Schools, Teachers and learners - 24th April 2019 to 25th April 2019

The Time To Shine ICT  #TTOSICT2018 project was supported by UNDP South Sudan with funds from Sweden.

Over the years, I have learnt that no student is dull – they  will always be good at something despite their poor grades. Sometimes, it could be a personal issue, sometimes it’s their learning environment, sometimes, they needed to be reminded that there is a shoulder they can lean on, Sometimes, they need a ladder they can use to climb to the rooftop, sometimes, they need the staircases laid for them to reach the top..In Other Words, a little push to a student could change their life completely it worked for me, it will certainly work for others! we all need that one person to hold our hand and tell us we can make it despite the odds” Yine Yenki Nyika – Mentorship Director 

Following our#TTOSICT2018competitions, participants who emerged with the best projects ideas implemented using Scratch Programming were awarded school fees as a prize to support and encourage them in school with 61% Female, 39% Male supported through our school fees scheme for one year while the other 4 students awaits joining Higher institutions of learning, our team visited each of the 15 schools and interacted with 18 teachers to find out how they were doing, performing and for the new students how they were adapting to the new environment or classes.This visit was to help us understand further some of the challenges hindering the performance of the various students through their teachers and the mentees themselves.

24.04.2019: Atlabara West Basic School

Our day started with the visit to our first school at 12:30 PM  – Atlabara West Basic School to have a meeting with Jane Juru David, Contact person 2019.

Dalia Wani who is in Primary Eight this year is a beneficiary of our school fees scheme and this is how their contact person had to say.


“I am impressed with the program. Although Late John Wassey was the one closely following up on the program since 2016,the students mentored by you have shown a great change in behavior and their performance greatly improved for the past three years.I expect the number of students to increase this year”.

Juba Adventist Secondary school: Lagu Joseph Edward:Director of Studies

Achiro Jennifer was our mentee from Sadaka Primary School. She sat for her Primary Leaving Education last year and made it to Senior one this year! And because of her excellent results she was admitted to the above school.

And this was how our interaction went on.


To get a clear understanding of the environment in which our mentee was in, he highlighted the programs which they have in their school. And he continued”

we are looking forward to seeing that this program becomes part of our activity in this school. Supporting one student is very good, but we are looking forward to seeing more students supported through this program.I am looking forward to seeing you again and anytime, you are very much welcome to speak and interact with Achiro Jennifer”, he concluded.

Munuki East Pre & Primary School : Pitia Andrew, Head Teacher

John Asega and Emmanuella Khalil both in Primary Eight this year emerged the best performers in their school and beneficiaries of our school fees scheme.


Here is what their Head Teacher had to say


Two years experience working with you, has brought change to my students whom you mentor especially the girls. previously, they were very shy, but now active in class .

John’s performance in class is very good, no challenges of school fees as before and he attends school regularly. Your program has targeted the most vulnerable in my school. Emmanuella, an orphan who is also in primary Eight attends school regularly and we are glad that she is in class without missing like before. In your program, I am  looking forward to see that at least 30 pupils from my school are involved this year.

Following the case of Ayak, your mentee in 2017,I realized most parents abuse their children; parents are not giving their children enough time to study especially the girls.

I  have on several occasions tried to contact her parent, but she has never turned up for any of the meetings we have arranged to have with her and that’s how we lost track of her till date.

Through your forthcoming session with the mentees, if you realize they have an issue, please follow up with their parents ,he concluded.

Juba Proper International Secondary School:Charles Ladu Daniel - Deputy Principal

This school emerged the best in our competition and all the three groups are beneficiaries of the school fees. Ageno Mungu,Moriba Margaret Stephen, Stella Tabu all in Senior Four and Wande Suleimann, Senior Three while the other two participants awaits their Senior Four results this year.


Their Deputy Principal had this to say


“First of all, I acknowledge receiving our school package for being the best among the many school. I do really appreciate the work done by the Mentor and the skills they gained are very useful to them because they had no knowledge about it .I am looking forward to seeing more programs which my students can be involved in and more students participating in this program…Last year since it was our first time to have this program..we selected a few students from arts class to see the relevance of  arts and sciences applying to their daily life, but this year, we want to see our science students and arts both engaged in this programs.

The students you mentored have changed greatly in their attitude and their class grades. And they are in love with what they study.I want the time given to our students to be increased so that they can learn more” he concluded.

Fatima Fakhur Girls School: Both Head Teachers

Abuk Kuol, Senior Two 


“Through Saidia Simon who joined our school last year from Juba Girls Secondary School, this program came to our school for the very first time.

Saidia was helping the girls in her school being mentored through this program and closely guiding them. The support you are giving to this girls is very important. Abuk attends class regularly.I wish you could continue supporting this girls throughout their time of study in school because I realized when the support for one year ends, some of the girls drop out.

And for this year, we will have a specific contact person from our school to closely monitor the performance of our students during the mentorship throughout to have more participants in the competition this year and have more students supported by this program” she says

Mahad Secondary School: Thomas Tombe, Contact Person & HeadTeacher

Sebit Nyok Akol, Senior two now

This what his school had to say

“This year Mahad will be committed to the activities this students will be engaged in.Your support to Sebit, he really deserved it because he was very regular in all the activities. And he is the best student in his class. Sebit shared about his experience in the program with his teachers..”I didn’t know how to open a computer,but now, I can use my brother’s computer to continue learning”.

We realized, one of the girls in our school dropped out due to family issues. We will arrange with you and visit their family to have a dialogue”, he concluded.

Prestige High School:Stephen Joseph Amanya , Deputy Director of Studies.

Both Leah Baraha and Ajulu Christine were our mentees from Juba one Girls Primary School. They both sat for their Primary Leaving Education last year and made it to Senior one this year! 

And this was how our interaction went on.


“I warmly welcome this program to our school already” he stated. Being their first term in this school and in Senior one, we will closely monitor the performance of this girls in school and every end of the term, you can interact with them closely as planned.I hope to have more students benefiting out of this program”, he said

Juba Commercial Secondary School: Gama Elia, Head Teacher

Joyce Nyanya John Senior Four and Margaret Henry William Senior Three are our mentees of 2018 benefiting from our scheme.


Here is what their Head Teacher had to say


“I have been following the program with the students closely and one of the girls is now in S.4 with great improvement in academic and moral behavior since 2017. ”I expect more students especially the girls to participate in this program and we have two girls who conceived, but one is a very complex case though she is not your mentee. Both her family and the man responsible rejected her. I don’t want these girls to drop out, but to be supported and counselled. We also want more mentorship for both the boys and girls because parents now respond positively  towards the program”, he concluded.

Juba one Girls Primary School: Mama Mary Samuel Jada, Head Teacher

Leah Angelo – Primary Eight, Jackline David – Primary Eight and Elizabeth Modong Primary Seven are among the beneficiaries.


“I am impressed with the program for supporting girls in school. When you educate a girl, you educate the nation.My girls have made this program very important to me because the girls you are supporting faced challenges previously and others are orphans. She further shared about one of our mentees whose performance was deteriorating at the beginning of the term last year,but when she began attending this program her performance has greatly improved. And this very student spoke about how she is being abused at home because she is an orphan. it’s good that you are already planning a one on one interactions with the students, I believe this will give a platform to understand more of their problems both at their personal and academic level”, Concluded Mama Mary.

Nile Model Secondary School: Levi Simbe Lasu GurGur - Deputy HeadTeacher

George Marko Ongore was our mentee from Mahad Secondary School. Due to the closeness of this school to their home,he decided to join the nearby school.Marko is currently in Senior Three.

Being our first time in this school, this is what our colleague had to share with the Head Teacher.

“ Since he just joined this school, we are following up on this performance and also to give you a clear understanding of our programs, target groups and how it benefits the student. This visit is to help us establish the specific date when we can have our one on one interaction with our mentee following up on his performance and behavior among others” Beatrice shared.

Juba Technical Secondary School: Head Teachers

Daada Suzan was our mentee from Juba One Girls Primary School. She sat for her Primary Leaving Education last year and made it to Senior one this year! And she made it to the above school.


And this was how our interaction went on.


“ Since she just joined this school, we are following up on her performance and also to give you a clear understanding of our programs, target groups and how it benefits the student. This visit is to help us establish the specific date when we can have our one on one interaction with our mentee following up on her performance and behavior among others”.

Bridge Academy Nursery and Primary School: Head Teacher, Akech Jacob - Director of Studies and Bursar - John Lual

Dalia Charles was our mentee from Juba One Girls Primary School.She is in Primary Six this year.She joined the above school due to the closeness to their home and sometimes when it rains, she used to miss school when the stream is overflowing and that’s why we decided to enroll her to the nearby school.


“ I already see impact in this program, he started. Being her first time in this school, she had the confidence to contest for the position of  Health Prefect and the support she got from the students was overwhelming and this was portrayed in the way she conducted herself!Confidence is what she showed. Your support to her financially keeps her in school and I would be glad if this is expanded to support more girls.  I am looking forward to having this program in my school”, he concluded. 

JCC Basic school – both Primary and Secondary School

Both these schools were among the winners in our competition. We have 7 students in primary section whom we are supporting and 8 in the Secondary Section. Gilda Milton who was in Primary Eight in JCC primary last year made to Secondary this year likewise, David John from Atlabara West Basic School made to the same Secondary school.

And with a smile on his face, there focal person had to say this: “All the students are doing  very well”. 

Light House International School:Wonsuk Charles Edward – Director of Studies

Hadia Hamid Mohammed was our mentee from Sadaka Primary School. She sat for her Primary Leaving Education last year and made it to Senior one this year! And because of her excellent results she was admitted to the above school.

And this was how our interaction went on.


“ I am willing to follow up with you and under more about this program.he continued, I have a lot of Vulnerable students in my school and I am looking forward if given the opportunity for my students to participate in this program”.